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1. 18+! All my characters are over the age of 18, as well as me, therefore I would like everyone I interact with roleplay wise to be over the age of 18. This isn't necessarily because the possibility of 18+ content, but rather because I would just feel more comfortable with those who are adults. See rule #6 for 18+ content rules.

2. APPROACH. When we talk for the first time, I prefer it if it is done out of character. It's best if both of us are on the same page as to help clear up any confusion while we discuss roleplay matters. Also after the roleplay starts, any out of character conversations MUST be done within parenthesis or some kind of separator. (( Like this. ))

3. BE PATIENT! I enjoy roleplay more than anything, but I am a human being with a life away from the keyboard. Every single person I have a story going on with should see at least one or two responses a day, but it is really depending upon the response length of our roleplay, and how many other people I need to respond to as well.

4. NO ONE-LINERS! I apologize for those one-liners out there, but I need some substance. Or, content in short. I need those response that have me on the edge of my seat just waiting for the moment I get to respond. I need at least a decent sized paragraph from you.

5. NO STARTERS! I am one of those that prefers to talk over a general idea of what we are going to be doing story wise, off the bat starters unfortunately aren't going to work here.

6. NSFW LIMITED! Any content that would be considered sexual is allowed. HOWEVER, it cannot and will not be the entire focus of our story. Also nothing along the lines of gore, vore or incest. I have other limits, but there is something you think should have my attention let me know.

7. THIRD PERSON! No matter what, I always use third person when roleplaying. I am the most comfortable with it as well as the most familiar.

Any other questions or concerns you have, please don't be afraid or hesitate to ask me them!! I promise I don't bite!

Also if you actually read alllll of my rules, then you are officially one of my favorite people now <3
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